Creating things from stuff other people might throw away, what can I make for you today?
An Engineer with a Creativity Problem
Not an artist, but I try to make pretty things
Not a welder, but sometimes I melt metal together
Not a woodworker, but I make a lot of sawdust
Not a painter, but sometimes I add color to things
Mostly just like to take old, sometimes things others would throw away and make something new out of that collection of things.
If you are looking for a gift for someone or for yourself, wedding, birthday, graduation, Christmas, give me an idea what you are looking for, and let me try to create a special something for you or the person you have in mind. If you do not have any ideas, I have a lot of extras that I am happy to share.
The People

Nick Visintainer is a mechanical engineer by profession, but a craftsman by passion. It started as small projects to decorate the house or as small gifts, and grew into wedding gifts for family, and then for friends. In May 2020 he attended his first farmers market and received his first orders.
Ronda Visintainer, married to Nick, is a Civil Engineer and also goes to the farmers markets as the smiling face of Shop Dawgz Design.
The Dawgz

Jalapeño Pepper Potts-or just Pepper- is the main shop dog, who is always trying to be a part of the project, usually by standing under your feet while you're working or trying to convince you to throw her a frisbee.
RigaTony Stark- Riggs- is Pepper's lazier partner in crime. Can usually be found laying in a hole Pepper dug for him.

Whiskers is the resident old dog, usually stays inside unless she needs to come out and make sure nobody is having any fun.